An African Dream

Been born of Africa, extensive exposure to this continent’s wonder is my most prized gift.

I type these words wondering when next I will have the privilege to bend my ear to the deafening silence of the passing of the giants.  

In each footfall, there is a memory, a rekindling of a step taken before, and the banking of the current moment into the memory vaults of tomorrow.

It is the elephant herd’s way to make sure that, from experience, decisions are made that give the herd the best chance at a successful outcome.

From the old matriarch, to the new calf, paths are worn that have been the road map to water, to grazing and to browsing, away from predators, and around pit falls. 

To lie close to where this huge herd passes, listening to the dappled sounds of giants’ footfalls, and observing the almost silent passing of this sentient body of life, resonates as a thunder within the soul.

These are the sights, sounds and emotions that symbolize the essence of our wonderful continent that indelibly imprint upon you.

In the scorched foothills of Mt Kilimanjaro, a huge herd of elephants silently march as one, whilst above them a moody sky’s countenance looks down upon a scene that has played itself out over millennia. 

These are the wonders in both flesh and formation, the heartbeat, soul and essence of our most wonderful Africa upon whose soil we tread in privilege.

Available Sizes

Classic: 118cm x 80cm (46.5″ x 31.5″)

Large: 146cm x 99cm (57.5″ x 39″)
Exhibition: 173cm x 117cm (68″ x 46″)

Available Editions
Exhibition: 12
Large: 12
Classic: 12